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Satisfy state and licensure compliance, with our monitoring software

Staying up to date with state regulations can be exhausting, especially when juggling other responsibilities. Don't waste precious time. Instead, automatically meet state and licensure compliance. Document family records, balance classroom ratios, and manage student immunizations in just a few clicks.


Maintain student records with digital attendance tracking.

Staff can track all child information in one place to monitor attendance, classroom ratios, and approved pick-ups. Record and organize child data in real-time. 

  • Contactless Check-In/Check-Out Digitize drop-offs and pick-ups for staff and families. Fulfill licensure compliance with automated records. Maintain a digital attendance record for billing, health, and safety purposes.

Manage classroom ratios at-a-glance.

Staff can effortlessly classroom ratios at-a-glance. Monitor the number of students per staff member or educator to stay in compliance. Fill enrollments and ensure each classroom has enough staff members.  

  • Classroom and Ratio Management. Allow staff to track classroom ratios so each location can easily stay compliant with state regulations. Oversee the number of students per educator, in a few clicks. Provide excellent education and improve instruction quality with proper student-to-staff ratios. 

Automate student vaccination and healthcare reminders.

Meet immunization requirements by state. Make it easy for staff to automatically send reminders to ensure families are aware of the revaccinations needed for their children to attend school. 

  • Family Portal. Keep families informed with less work. Satisfy state immunization laws by requiring vaccines like Polio, PCV, MMR, and more – depending on your location. 

Meet state and childcare licensure compliance with ease.

“[The software] is comprehensive, useful, and user-friendly. There are many options and applications to use.”

 - Education Manager

Resources to help you run your childcare business.

Childcare automation, childcare billing, Childcare marketing, Childcare, Childcare executive
In the fast-paced world of childcare and after school programs, managing administrative tasks like billing and payments can often consume valuable time and resources. According to recent statistics,...
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childcare marketing, enrollment data, ece business, childcare business, childcare executive
A whopping 82% of shoppers wants a brand's value to align with their own. Parents are more loyal to childcare brands who ‘get them.’ Meaningful relationships do more than drive business success -...
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YMCA, LineLeader, Childcare CRM, Lead Management
To say that the Y has a reputation would be a massive understatement. With over 64 million beneficiaries from 120 national associations, the YMCA has been serving global communities for over 160...
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Get started With LineLeader.

A unified platform to manage your entire business.


Capture and convert more leads. Automate lead follow up, tour scheduling, registration, and reporting.


Automate daily reports and share memorable moments. Easily communicate with parents with our family engagement app.tour scheduling, registration, and reporting.


Automate billing and invoicing Manage classroom ratios and curriculum. Track and report on attendance, payroll, and more.